Janet Trautwein
Chief Executive Officer
National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU)
Janet Trautwein is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) in Washington, D.C. NAHU represents more than 100,000 employee benefits professionals involved in the design, sale, implementation and management of health plans all over the United States. Janet's responsibilities include oversight of all NAHU activities and primary representation of the association to the media, government agencies and elected officials at all levels.
Prior to becoming the CEO of NAHU in 2005, Janet served for many years as the head of NAHU's government affairs department, working with members of Congress, senior government officials, governors, and state legislators, and directing the government and political affairs of the organization.
A frequent speaker on health policy issues, Janet is considered an expert in health insurance markets and health plans of all sizes and frequently testifies before Congress on these issues. Her expertise in issues related to the uninsured, health insurance pools, risk and reinsurance pooling, health related tax issues, and both national and global health reform has been recognized throughout the industry.
Janet has been published in major newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs around the world.