
Sen. David Heitmeier (D-New Orleans)

Senate Health and Welfare Committee

A lifelong resident of Algiers, Louisiana, Senator  David Heitmeier is a Doctor of Optometry and owns and manages one of the  region’s most successful clinical practices. 

A 1979 graduate of Holy Cross High  School, Senator Heitmeier went on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree from the  University of Southwestern Louisiana in Biological, Mathematical and Physical  Sciences.  Completing his education with a doctorate in Optometry in 1987 from  the University of Houston, he chose to work in the community he loves and  founded Heitmeier & Armani – Medical and Surgical Eyecare. 

Senator Heitmeier’s  commitment to hard work and innovation has earned him the admiration of his  colleagues in the field of healthcare.  He has lectured on business organization  and efficiency and has taught the principles of patient service and ethics  around the country.

Senator Heitmeier is married to the former Cathy Chifici.  Together  they have raised two daughters, Leah and Meghan, in the same community which has  been home to the Heitmeiers and the Chificis for generations.