Rep. Scott Simon (R-Abita Springs)
House Health and Welfare Committee
Scott M. Simon is the State Representative of District 74. His district includes parts of St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parish. Scott is a lifelong resident of Louisiana and has lived in St. Tammany Parish since 1985. He is married to his wife Connie for over 30 years now, and together they have 5 children, Keri, Scott Jr., Annie, David and Christopher. Scott is active in many church and civic activities ranging from serving on the Board of St. Jane de Chantal Church to Youth Director of the CYO for 9 years, from President of the PTO to Director of Recreation and Tourism for the town of Abita Springs. For his efforts Scott was selected as Citizen of the Year for the Town of Abita Springs in 1997 and he and Connie both received the St. Louis Medallion Award from the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Scott is a graduate of John Ehret High School and later Tulane University where he earned a Masters Degree of Architecture. He was elected to the Louisiana State Legislature, House of Representatives in 2008 and he is now serving in his second term. He was elected that same year to serve on the Republican State Central Committee and to also serve as a delegate to the 2008 Republican National Convention. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Health and Welfare Committee.
Scott was instrumental in creating the Louisiana Sustainable Food Policy Council, on which he serves as Chairman. He is also a member of the Governor’s Office of Disability Affairs Council as well as the Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Program.
In 2009 Scott was named the Legislator of the Year by LATAN. In 2009 and 2010 he was honored with the Family Advocate Award by Family Forum.
When not busy with the duties of the State, Scott works as a designer and planner with his Residential and Commercial business which is a full service design and consulting firm that specializes in the seamless and transparent integration of design for all principles within the designing process throughout the entire built environment.